Thursday, March 23, 2023


来, 有谁还记得这个活动? 说真的,我自己也忘了🤣🤭 过了1个多月才打开。

刚刚打开信件来看, 吓我一跳。 准准30。 这句显化心想事成了。其他的有待进一步发展。 

谁要一起再写信给一个月后的自己🙋🏻 写不写,信不信,取决于你有没有行动,相信不相信。 

01/04/2023 大家一起写。 欢迎联系我入群。

写信给1 个月后的自己

感恩: 感恩自己的信息
鼓励: 鼓励自己的信息
爱心: 爱自己的信息
拿张纸,可以写5 样或多样。写上你的名字,日期。写好了放进抽屉或夹在一本书里。等一个月后再打开看。看是否心愿完成了。或是有什么样的心情启发当下的自己。
可以连续每个月写。 随意随心。何时开始都行。
列子: 1) 你好,玉芝。你好棒啊。你已经懂得如何照顾好自己的身体健康。感恩有你。爱你。

为你下载: 我知道我总是用最高最好的方式已经拥有了我想要拥有的东西和完成我想完成的事。

Bobo Tan 陳玉芝老师
美国官方国际认证希塔疗愈师 ThetaHealing ® Practitioner/

Wa +65-94574732

Write a letter to yourself in a month 

Gratitude: Be grateful for your own information
Encouragement: Messages that encourage yourself
Love: The message of loving yourself
Write whatever you want to tell yourself
Take a piece of paper and you can write 5 or more. Write your name and date. After writing, put it in a drawer or in a book. Wait for a month before opening it. See if the wish is fulfilled. Or what kind of feeling inspires you at the moment.

Can be written every month in a row. Feel free to do whatever you want. It can start anytime.

Purpose: To know yourself and encourage yourself. Love yourself more.

Example: 1) Hello, Yuzhi. You are so great.You already know how to take care of your health. Grateful to have you.

Download for you: I know that I always have what I want to have and accomplish what I want to accomplish in the highest and best way.
If you agree, please say Yes, and immediately witness the download of the highest personality that is most suitable for you to all levels and cells of your beliefs.

Bobo Tan Teacher 
U.S Official International Certified ThetaHealing ® Practitioner/
Money Reiki Healing Master Instructor Teacher/ 
Tulip Passion Reiki Healing Master Instructor Teacher
Meditation Instructor / Trainer/ Hypnosis Practitioner
Wa +65-94574732


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